Meets Queensland ESO's Qualified Business Person (QBP) requirement for an electrical contractor's licence:
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace*
UEEEL0040 Develop compliance policies and plans to conduct an electrical contracting business
BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures
* Please note: this unit has pre-requisite requirememnts for entry. See 'Course requirements' tab below for details.
- Completed a unit/s already? Not a problem, you tell us in the course what units you need to complete
- Start now - pay later
- No delays - Start your training today
Please note: fee is for all three (3) units. Fees will be set based on the units that need to be completed. For example if you only need to complete the units UEECD0007 and UEEEL0040, the full fee will only be $450. See individual unit pricing under the tab 'Fees' below. There is a task in the course where you tell us
what unit/s you need to complete. We will adjust your training plan (units to complete) and your invoice (fees to be paid) based on what unit/s you tell us in this task.
DO NOT pay any money until after you have completed the relevant units you need to complete.
Units of competency |
Course access |
Assessments marked |
Certificate issued |
In order to apply for a Queensland Electrical Safety Office (ESO) Electrical Contractors Licence, you will need to meet the Qualified Business Person (QBP) requirement and have completed the following units:
- UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace, and
- UEEEL0040 Develop compliance policies and plans to conduct an electrical contracting business, and
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures.
If you are applying for a restricted electrical contractor's licence, you may only have to complete BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures.
If you have five (5) years or more of business experience, you may not have to complete BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures. You should apply to the ESO for an exemption.
You should check with the Electrical Safety Office (ESO) to find out their exact requirements that apply to you.
Click here for more information on the ESO's Electrical Contractors Licence.
See our course brochure for more information.
To successfully complete the Qualified Business Person Course, you will complete the nationally accredited units of competency:
- UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace*, and
- UEEEL0040 Develop compliance policies and plans to conduct an electrical contracting business, and
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures.
- Completed the unit CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry OR CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry (these units are typically completed for a general safety induction 'white card')
- Completed the unit UETTDRRF06 Perform rescue from a live LV panel OR UETTDRRF06B Peform rescue from a live LV panel (LVR rescue) OR UETDRRF004 Peform rescue from a live LV panel
- Completed the unit HLTAID009 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation OR HLTAID001 Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- Hold and electrical work licence
If you only need to complete one (1) or two (2) of these units and not all three (3), not a problem. There is a task in the course where you tell us what unit/s you do need to complete. We adjust your training plan and invoice accordingly. See the tab 'fees' for individual unit pricing.
Enrolment period, or duration, is six (6) months. That is, you need to complete all training and assessment within this enrolment period. You will be able to ask for a no-fee extension if required. The amount of training and assessment which occurs during the enrolment period will be dependant on a number of factors including, but not limited to, your current level of knowledge and skills, breaks in study, distractions, etc.
You complete the course all online. In order to complete the course at home online, you will need a computer/laptop/phone/tablet, etc with a webcam and connected to the internet. You will not need to purchase any additional resources such as programs, materials, books, etc.
For the unit UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace, you will also need access to a multi-metre or a Portable Appliance Tester, and a step ladder that you can perform a safety check on for an assessment item. However you will not need to buy any additional tools.
For the unit UEEEL0040 Develop compliance policies and plans to conduct an electrical contracting business, you will need access to a 'competent person' (another electrician, someone with electrotechnology qualifications, someone who works for an electrical power entity or authority, etc). You need to 'consult' with this person when developing your policies and procedures for assessment. If you have existing policies and procedures, or SWMS, you will be given then opportunity to use these and will not need to consult with a 'competent person'.
Very important:
In order to be able to complete the UEEEL0040 Develop compliance policies and plans to conduct an electrical contracting business unit, you must have already completed UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace.
If you have not completed any units previously for the Qualified Business Person requirement, you will complete the UEECD0007 unit first in your training plan with us. If you have completed the UEECD0007 unit previously, you will be required to upload your Statement of Attainment for the UEECD0007 unit prior to starting UEEEL0040.
See our course brochure for more information.
The fees for this course is $800. This is the full Fee For Service price for all three (3) units, as no subsidies or funding applies or is available. See the table below for individual pricing if you do not need to complete all three (3) units.
Fees can be paid by credit card (no surchage applies) or direct deposit.
Fees are payable once all asseessments have been successfully completed, and before we will issue you your certificate.
PCD Training also does not participate in any loan schemes, such as VET Student Loans, etc. So you will not incur a debt with the government by enroling in this course.
Unit Code |
Unit Name |
Full Fee for Service -no funding |
UEECD0007 |
Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace |
$225 |
UEEEL0040 |
Develop compliance policies and plans to conduct an electrical contracting business |
$225 |
Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures |
$350 |
Total: |
$800.00 |
See our course brochure for more information.
Have you got existing knowledge and skills that you feel may enable you to apply for RPL for the units BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures, UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace and UEEEL0040 Develop compliance policies and plans to conduct an electrical contracting business? If you wish to apply for RPL for these units, please contact us at and we will advise of the process from there.
Please note:
Keep in mind these few things -
1. You will need to provide suitable documentary evidence, be required to attend an interview, answer a number of quiz questions and provide an experience video. This process can take some time to complete.
2. The fees for RPL are the same as enrolling in the course and completing the assessments, you don't save any money.
3. In alot of cases it can take longer to complete going through RPL than just completing normally.
If you have any questions about RPL, please don't hesitate to contact us or see our course brochure for more information.
Entry requirements
There are pre-requisites required for the UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace unit, please see details in the 'Course requirements' tab or course brochure. You will need a sound working knowledge of basic maths, and be able to read, write and understand standard English, similar to what is used in this information. If you are unsure of your Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) standard, please request our LLN Tool.
You will also be required to download and upload files. You will also need access to a computer/laptop/tablet, etc which has, or on which you are able to install, a web-cam and has internet access.
Enrolment notes
All prices are in Australian (AUD) dollars.
All personal information is collected for the purposes of enrolment requirements only. Specified information from the enrolment is required by federal legislation to be reported to the national VET regulator for statistical purposes only. Your information won't be shared with any other party.
All payment information, including card and cardholder information, is collected for the purposes of enrolment requirements only. Your payment information will not be retained and will not be shared with any other party.
PCD Training does not guarantee that you will successfully complete this course. We also do not guarantee that you will become licensed by a licensing authority, such as the Electrical Safety Office, or you will obtain employment by having completed this course.
Participants will be required to complete a range of assessments, including uploading of files of work completed and video responses. Assessment requirements are outlined in the relevant unit.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is also available. This will require uploading of evidence documents, the completion of a skills history document, an online interview which will be recorded, recording of an experience video, answering quizz questions, etc.
If you wish to apply for an RPL please contact us at, or click on the RPL tab and complete the skills assessment form.
See our course brochure for more information.
You probably haven’t heard of PCD Training before and might be just a little worried as a result. We totally understand! Ask yourself (and other training providers) these questions when comparing us to others:
1. Will my trainers have experience in business?
PCD Trainers have several years’ experience in both and building, click here for more information on our trainers.
2. Can I start the course before paying?
Starting a course before having to pay shows that the training provider stands behind the quality of training they offer, and not out to rip your money from your pockets. With PCD Training, you can start (and even complete) the course before paying. If you are not happy with it at any point, simply stop doing it as you haven’t paid anything up front.
3. When will I get my certificate?
As soon as you have successfully completed all tasks, and we have received your fees, you will be emailed a copy of your certificate INSTANTLY. You will also be able to access a copy in our system. Under the standards for registration, RTO’s must issue certification within 30 days. At PCD Training we do it instantly.
4. I haven’t heard of PCD Training before, how long has it been going?
PCD Training has been training since 1998. Our RTO number, 1820, indicates that we have been around for a while.
5. Your price seems to be in between other providers. I have seen it as cheap as $480 and as dear as $850, why is that?
The cheap ones could be using the generic resources that costs them about $40 from their supplier and require you to do 200, 500, or more, word essays. The dearer ones usually have high overheads such as several staff, offices, cars, etc that they must pay for. We consider our price to be fair for quality training and we have limited overheads.
6.Can I get help and support?
Definitely, and not just in standard “business hours”. Apart from asking question by email at any time, you can also contact us by phone Monday to Thursdays from 7.00am to 8.00pm and Fridays from 7.00am to 5.00pm (all times are AEST).
1. I am after an electrical contractor licence, what do I need?
You need a Qualified Technical Person (QTP), a Qualified Business Person (QBP) and public liability insurance. You can see the requirements here.
2. Does the same person have be the QBP and QTP?
Not usually, two separate people can be the QTP and QBP. Check with Electrical Safety Office for details.
3. Do you offer the QTP course?
No, we only offer the QBP course. Contact Get Compliance on 07 5428 1116 and they will point you in the right direction.
4. I only need to complete one or two units, not all three. Is that possible?
Definitely. There is a task in the course where you tell us what unit/s you need to complete and we adjust your training plan (units to complete) and invoice based on what you tell us. Read the information beside the asterix (*) underneath the two blue boxes for more information.
5. I have heard you can get an exemption for one of the units if you have been running a business already for five years or more. Is this true?
It could be possible however this is totally up to the Electrical Safety Office and not us. You should contact them and discuss your situation.
6. Do you offer the course face-to-face or in a workshop?
No, we just offer it online only.
7. With the units I need to complete, how long roughly does it take to complete?
Unfortunately we can’t give an accurate time as everyone is different. As a ballpark allow around 1.5 to 2 full days per unit, or around 5-6 days all up. However this is purely a ballpark.
8. Do I need a webcam and what is it used for?
You definitely need a webcam and it takes a snapshot of you answering a question in an assessment, so we know it’s you completing the course and not someone else. We also have to cover specific things in the unit descriptor, such as communication skills. The easiest way to do this in an online mode is get you to record a video answering a question in our system.
9. Do I need anything else to be able to complete the course?
For the UEECD0007 unit you will need access to a multi-metre and step ladder. For the UEEEL0040 unit, you will need access to another electrician or someone with electrotechnology qualifications to check policies and procedures with. You don’t need to buy any textbooks or software, etc.
10. If I decide to enrol, is there help and support if I need it?
Definitely. While every question has a ‘contact us’ button where you can submit a contact request for us to get back to you, you can also contact us by email at: or phone us on 1300797123 and leave a message for us to contact you if it is urgent.
11. When do I receive my material for the course?
All material and assessments are available as soon as you enrol. You do not have to wait for us to send anything out to you, as soon as you have access to your course you can start.
$800 (GST Free)

Student handbook
Complaints and Appeals form
Complaints and Appeals policy and procedure
News and updates to legislation
Suite 212 / 147 Pirie St, Adelaide, SA, 5000